
A nap is all it takes...

My toddler decided to fight his nap this afternoon and no matter how much we tried he was just not interested in taking one. By the time 5pm rolled around he was barely able to stay awake and sit up at the same time so I had him sit with me in the rocking chair where it took about 2 minutes and he was snoring.

Since he fell asleep in my lap I figured I would just let him nap for 45 minutes or so and then wake him for some dinner. Somewhere in there I must have dozed off myself because the next thing I know it was just after 7pm and Cops was on.

He woke up a minute or so after me, still a bit groggy and refusing to even eat yogurt, which is his favorite thing. The only thing I can think of is he must be going through a growth spurt and it is messing with his eating/sleeping schedule. This is one of those times I am actually glad I do not work. While I want him on a normal schedule and 95% of the time he is, days like this could be torture if I had to be up early for work because he is not going to go to bed until about midnight now. Yikes!

One of his favorite things to do is play upstairs in his brothers room. While I was trying to get him changed and then fed my oldest came in the room and said he was going upstairs, which just sets off the youngest. You say upstairs and he is all over it. Thankfully his brother also loves to play upstairs as well as with his little brother, so he took him up to play with his Hess Trucks.

My sons great grandmother (my oldest son is from my first marriage and I have custody) sends him Hess trucks for Christmas every year which is very cool. I grew up on the East coast and my folks always bought those for my brother and I at Christmas. While mine are long gone, my son has about 10 of them and just like my brother and I used to do, they will sit there and play with them for hours.

1 comment:

Saija said...

this post made me smile ...

and the one before this, made me go "i've heard those exact words from leo many times" ... about wishing he could work ... you probably have guilt all wrapped into some of the comments too ... this arach walk isn't for the weak of heart ...

leo had a sort of good day today ... but we have 3 or 4 days of weather coming and a doctor's trip (40 min. one way) on monday ... so we'll see how it plays out ...

i start work on the 18th too ...

as you can see, life will take twists and turns at our place ...

thinking of you and yoiur little family ... ((hugs))