
Less meds, bigger t.v...

My youngest has learned "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and for the last 2 days has been running around singing it over and over again. It is too cute! My oldest decided to record him singing it on his MP3 player and now the youngest won't give him back the player.

My wife is off today and it is beautiful outside so we might take a small stroll around the block. Since the doctor has given me the green light to walk short distances and then slowly increase the distance. He did ask me to keep it short to start with, about 5 minutes once a day and then add 20% of the time each week and with that in mind I am doing a bit more walking.

I have also decided to drop some of the meds I was on. It is both a money issue and a medical issue. One of them, Naprosyn, may be the cause of the constant upset stomach as well it is know linked to some other problems associated with long term use. There are a few other meds that I will also stop but I will keep the pain meds, the patches and the elavil for sleeping. Dropping those meds will save me close to $200 a month which is much needed money.

I have been spending some of my free time on Blogshares playing their "mock" stock market game. It is pretty fun and since I have been playing so much I paid the $15 annual fee for unlimited transactions. I started in January with the B$500 they give you and as of today my net worth was a little over B$32 Billion. Not bad for a few months work. Now if I could only do that with real money all my money woes would go away forever!

We re-arranged the rec room and now it seems to have much more space then before. The room itself is about 15' X 24' but the way we had it arranged pretty much left half the room unused. We swung the couch out of the middle of the floor and put it against the wall and then put the recliner further back in the middle of the floor. Now there is flow from the front to the back and the boys have more room to play. The only thing we need to do know is buy a bigger t.v. so I can see it from where my chair has been moved.

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