

Well I have most of the day to myself and I am not going to do a thing!

My wife took the baby to the petting zoo for the morning where she is going to meet up with my brother in law and nephew, who is also 2. The walking around is a bit much for me so I decided to stay home and have some quiet time. The oldest is out of school for the day and while he is home with me he is spending some time cleaning his room and then he can use the desktop for a bit. That should keep him busy and give me some quiet time. In fact I think I am going to throw a movie in the DVD player and fall asleep!

I thought about going with them and just hanging out at the Panera down the road from the zoo as they have a WiFi hot spot and I love their Asiago Cheese bagels. I decided though that even 2 hours there might be a bit much as the chairs they have would not be comfortable for that long and I don't think the management would be to happy about me stretching out and taking a nap on the floor. I decided to hang out at home and have some quiet time.

1 comment:

Saija said...

i hope you had a good "meme" time ... good to have on occasion ...

Leo and i always case out any place to see if leo would be comfy there or not ... Lord willing, you will still have many years of being able to go to places and finding spots - BUT for us, leo has reached a stage where going to a hockey game (and having the best possible seats) has taken him a week to get over ... well the spring melt too ... it has been a trying week ... i kind of lost it today and had a crying jag ... it happens ... i'm better now, and leo is resting more comfortably again (or trying not to complain, poor guy) ... sigh ... this life is definitely not for the weak ... who knew i was listed among the "mighty mites"??? ... *chuckle* ...

just sharing ... have a good weekend with the fam!