
Remedial training time?

I will be conducting remedial training and the topic will be, "toilet paper, how to properly dispose of the old tube and hang a new one" and if the demand is there I will gladly open it to others, so let me know if you would like someone to attend. Upon completion they will be given a certificate on the finest 2-Ply I can find,announcing to all that they have indeed completed the period of instruction. Of course they will probably never hang it up, I mean if they can't hang a new roll of toilet paper can we really expect them to hang a certificate?

Apparently in my house I am the only one skilled in the art of doing so. It just so happens to be a pet peeve of mine when people take a new roll out, use it but do not place it on the holder. No, instead they leave the remnants of the old roll and the tube on it and then just place the new roll on the tank behind the comode for the next person to come in and complete the task.


Saija said...

*laughing* ... you have boys - so i'm sure you'll train them right, so that their wives won't have to!!!

well Leo is just this evening starting to feel better after our Friday outing and the spring melt ... he was SO NAUSEOUS all day ... REALLY pukey feeling ... there was NOT ONE thing i could do to help ... finally around 7:30 i made him some toasted peanut butter sandwhiches which he dunked in chocolate milk ... i'm hoping he has a better day tomorrow ...

oh, i go back to work on the 18th -so our routine changes for 6 months ...

well i better let you get back to that seminar you are conducting! *chuckle*!

opforsoldier said...

It is an uphill fight! Unfortunately for everyone else in the house I have nothing but time on my hands. <--insert sinister laugh here.

Jammie J. said...

When you hang the new, do you put the start of the toilet paper near the wall (bottom pulling) or nearest the person (top pulling)?

opforsoldier said...

It should be closest to the wall, never over the top and to the front.