
No more Incredibles?

My youngest has seem to lost his enthusiasm for The Incredibles and has not asked for it in a day or so. We have had it for about a month and I must have watched it with him a good 100 times already.

Instead he has found Monsters Inc. and we have seen it 3 times since last night. Since he is a bit under the weather I am not protesting much as it is keeping him somewhat calm where otherwise he might be a bit cantankerous.

He seems to have caught a cold and for the last 2 days he has had a very runny nose and has been almost lethargic at times. He must have caught some kind of bug from my nephew who had a cold when we were at my parents house the other day. Poor kids, I feel bad for them when they get like this. We have tried to show him how to blow his nose, but we still end up having to use the aspirator which he just loves.

The first night he developed the cold he was up all night. Since my wife was at work I just let him stay in bed with me as he seemed to sleep much better when he was lying on the bigger pillows. I can only assume that keeping him a bit more elevated kept the mucus from "choking" him awake as well he was coughing a bit less that way.

I have been giving him the childrens robitussin since yesterday morning and while he still has some congestion, he is sounding much better then he was 2 days ago. Hopefully by tomorrow this will go away as it also seems to have zapped his appetite and the only thing he is really eating right now is yogurt and giving him more dairy when he has congestion is not a great idea. Poor kiddo, he is sleeping in his moms lap right now. She put him in her lap a few minutes ago and he is out cold.

1 comment:

Saija said...

aww, poor kiddo ... hope he's all better tomorrow!

oh - about the Pope ... would you believe my aunt and uncle were visiting Rome and happened to be doing the tourist thing at the Vatican yesterday! yup, they heard & saw it all ... they even got interviewed by the British/French press - rather exciting for them ... i'm looking foarward to seeing the pictures!

well must go to bed ... work changes a person's schedule!!