
Time for the A/C...

The temps here have swung big time from where we were in the 30's the other day and now we are heading in to the 80's. My rec room faces the west and has a wall of windows and sliding glass doors so in the early evening when the sun is setting it gets very warm back there. When the room was added it seems that they either did not insulate properly or consider the airflow of the house so there is a big difference in temps between it and the kitchen, which is only 15' away.

I set all the ceiling fans in the house for the season and for most of the spring we can open the windows and enjoy the cool mornings and evenings but yesterday and today that is not the case. While it was only 78F outside the greenhouse effect drove the house temp up to 82 and even with the attic fan on and the North/South windows opened I ended up having to go turn the A/C on.

Tomorrow however we are supposed to have rain for the next 3 days. That means it is time to put together the tornado kits, change all the batteries in the flashlights and radios and clear a path to the cellar because. While I like the season I hate the constant up and down from the warnings. In a good season we will have several tornadoes touch down and tons of warnings which mean one has either been sighted or is radar indicated.

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