
Cookie Monster says no to over eating...

Story Here

This is SO disappointing. What ever happened to parents being responsible for teaching their children about eating properly? How come after 35 years it is suddenly imperative that cookie monster has to sing a new song?

If it is because childhood obesity rates are on the rise then I think we should look elsewhere. Maybe we should start with mom and dad cooking meals instead of hitting the drive through and cramming french fries down the throats of their children.

I think it is indeed a sad day when we people stop accepting responsibility for their own actions. We have become a nation of disgusting fat bodies where people will do anything other then accept the blame for their own problems. We cannot forget the families that are trying to sue McDonalds for making them fat. Anyone who makes the statement that they think any fast food is healthy is a freaking moron. I am 34 years old and I have known since I was a kid that it could not be good for you. How did everyone else miss out on that class?

It truly boggles the mind at how far some people will go to pass the buck.

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