
We got the doctors appointment issue worked out. While I am not happy about having to drive all the way down to the city, I will take that over having to wait until Friday or later to get my visit in.

I made it for first thing in the morning with the nurse practitioner which is a good thing. While the doctor I see is a great guy I believe that a patient should be familiar with all the doctors on the staff just in case of something like this. That way if something else should happen they are at least familiar with you.

It does make a small dent in the plans to get down and see my brother and sister-in-law and my new nephew. Since they had a C-section though they will be in for a few days. I will call my brother in a little while and make arrangement to come see them. From what I hear my nephew is a spitting image of his sister, who is 2 and just adorable. She is my brothers little shadow and she wants to be everywhere daddy goes. Hopefully her transition to a new brother is easy as she is my brothers only other child.

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