
Another headache...

I have a headache this afternoon and no Relpax to take care of it. Since the headaches have been coming much less frequently and they gave me the Oxy IR I figured that I would not need the Relpax. This headache though is not responding to the Oxy or even caffeine.

Caffeine is the one thing I had to seriously cut down on when I was diagnosed with the arachnoiditis. Since caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and arachnoiditis is a condition that affects the CNS something had to go. If I had my choice it would have been the arachnoiditis, but we don't always have a choice.

I did not, nor do I now, drink a lot of soda but I could kill 2 pots of coffee a day and sometimes 3 which was causing more pain then I cared for. When I did cut out the coffee, cold turkey mind you, it was seriously like detoxing for a few days. I was literally shaking and had bad cramps for 3 days but once that was over it was not so bad. The only problem was that I had bought 20lbs of my favorite roast just weeks before and I still had (have) half of it in the chest freezer. Opening that up is torture, that wonderful smell wofting out and inviting me to make just 1 cup. I keep it for when we have company and they might want a cup but other then that I have not had any coffee since September of last year.

I was going to ask the doctor for a prescription for Toradol for the headaches as it is just as effective as the Relpax but is $30 cheaper. With the Toradol I also get 60 pills for $10 and Relpax is $50 for 8. Relpax is a great medication but too expensive for me to keep filling twice and sometimes 3 times a month when 1 fill of Toradol can last me almost 3 months for 1/5 the cost.

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