
What to do on a Sunday?

While I was lying down taking a nap a wasp somehow made it in to the blanket with me and stung me on the arm. It woke me out of a dead sleep and within a minute it felt like someone was standing on my chest and by the time I walked to the hospital (about 6 houses) my throat was closing and I was coughing and wheezing for air. I never knew I was allergic to wasps but then this is the first time I have ever been bitten by one. The doctor told me that I need to get an Epipen as well as set up a sting kit at home with benadryl & zantac and take it as soon as I suspect that I have been bitten. Just what I need, more crappy meds to keep around the house and in my backpack.

They took me directly in at the ER and stuck me with an IV, Benadryl & Prednisone and then gave me some Zantac to take as well. Within a few minutes of the drugs whoever it was that had been standing on my chest took a break and the my throat also started to clear up and I could breathe again.

It seems like in the last 2 years I have spent more time in the ER then I did in the almost 33 years before and the trips now seem like they are for "piddly" reasons. Oddly those "piddly" reasons are more life threatening then would seem.

Anyway, I am home now and feeling much better. I am going to settle in and watch the Biker Build Off on the Discovery Channel, probably my favorite channel on the idiot box.


Saija said...

Well for heavens sake! you have had your share this past while! good thing the hospital is so close ... we have a 25 minute drive - highway ...

opforsoldier said...

When I got there the nurse asked me how I came in and when I told her I walked she looked like she was going to have a fit and yell at me. Then she looked at my insurance card and realized just how short of a walk it was.

When we bought this house the hospital being close was a selling point, but I figured that with a pre-teen and a baby on the way we would be using it for them. My oldest has been once to get some stitches and that was 2.5 years ago.