

We just had a tornado drop on us out of nowhere. We literally made it into the basement with no time to spare. Why this time was different I do not know but generally we have some warning or at least a tornado watch before it turns in to a warning.

The sky had been grey all morning and we knew they were calling for some rain but out of the blue the wind picked up, hail started dropping and a tornado was on the ground. Not sure how big it was or if it did any damage but I am going to have to take some pain meds. Trying to get the boys down in to the basement is not an easy task in this old house (110 years old).

Living in tornado alley can be funny though. When we went downstairs the hospital parking lot across the street was full. When we came back up 10 minutes later it was empty.

Edit: this is finally being posted after getting stupid "routine maintenance" messages for 2 hours.

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