
Title goes here...

I got to see the nurse practitioner today instead of my regular doctor. She was quite nice and while she did not go through the whole bend, twist & turn routine she did get me out of there quickly.

We left the doctors and went over and saw my new nephew who looks just like my brother. Hopefully as he grows older that will change and he will have a chance at finding a date. (Hahahahaha) The baby is adorable and while he is tiny right now if he is anything like my brother he is going to be a monster. My "little" brother is about 6'2" and a former competitive body builder so he basically looks like a brick wall, with legs.

I felt bad that we could only stay for 20 minutes right now but when I got there they were getting ready to give my sister in law her bath so I wanted to clear out so she could get comfortable (they delivered by c-section) and have some time with her new son. I know when we had my sons trying to find an hour to ourselves was difficult and when we finally did get one we were so tired from all the visitors. I try to remember how we felt and 20 minutes was probably just right for now. She will be home by the weekend so I thought we would head down on Monday to see them, bring lunch with us as well as make a tray of my lasagna that my brother loves and leave it for them. That was one thing we really appreciated when we made it home and people brought food so we did not have to cook for a day or 2.

By the time we made it back home my son was snoring in the car seat so instead of running in to the pharmacy I went to the drive through only to find out that they were out of one of the meds and it would take a week. How does a pharmacy run out of medication and why does it take 1 week to get it in? I ended up having to hunt down another pharmacy and my wife will pick it up on her way home from work.

Now it is time to veg out in the recliner and watch the idiot box.

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