
I woke up this morning with both my arms numb again which has not happened in awhile. I am still not sure if it is bursitis or tendonitis and I have not had the doctors really look in to it either. Since it is not something that is happening every night/day it has a low priority when I see the doctors.

Of course this next visit should put me over the out of pocket limit and then the insurance kicks in 100%. Now instead of having to pay $50 for x-rays they should be covered 100% but I will still have to pay the $15 co-pay to the doctors for regular visits. I know, I sound cheap but 3-4 doctors visits a month, 1 set of x-rays a month, countless labs being done and then the meds means I have been paying close to $400+ a month for my condition before insurance even pays anything. Maybe I will mention the shoulders after that and see what they have to say.

The pain in the lower back and legs has returned, or should I say is more noticeable over the last weeks. It has also spread to all the toes where before it was only really the big toe and then just the side of it. It is difficult to really explain the pain to the doctors as it is not like when you smack your thumb with a hammer or step on a tack.

The pain starts in the middle of the small of the back. From there is heads down the back of the left leg until it gets to the knee where it crosses over the front of the knee and then runs down the inside of the left calf and down under the foot and in to the toes. It is a mix of a somewhat intense burning pain and cramping all at the same time.

The pain meds have been great at controlling an I figure that the new feeling is a mix of an advance in the scar tissue and a tolerance to the current dose. I have been on the same dose for close to 8 months so it is probably time for an increase in this med or a change to something else. I see the doc next week so I will discuss it with him then.

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