
I hate it when that happens!

My doctors appointment was for Friday but my wife's work schedule changed meaning either I needed to change it or cancel it all together. Since I would run out of meds by canceling I changed it to this afternoon. Apparently now the doctor is out of the office today and they rescheduled it for next Monday. Damnit! I called them back to let them know that I won't make it to Monday with meds and I will call again in a bit.

The bigger pain is that today would have worked out great. My wife is off and could drive me. On top of that my brother's wife had a little boy this morning at the hospital 3 miles away. We could have stopped in to see them right after the appointment.

I am hoping that the doctors office will be able to fill the prescription for me and then I can swing by and pick it up on the way to see my family.

As for my brother, they had a little boy, 7lbs 10oz's 18.25" long and doing well. He will make the 5th grandchild for my parents and the 3rd boy to carry the family name.

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