
Nothing much going on today. It was a nice day out and my wife got to cut the grass this morning while it was still cool outside.

I think the highlight of the day was once again our neighbors who do not seem to care what the youngest is up to. I think she is about 2 but no more then 3 years old. She is constantly outside by herself, no one watching from the porch or even a window.

Today she was playing with the little red gallon of gasoline someone left out after they mowed the lawn yesterday. My wife noticed it while she was cutting our lawn and she said it took someone a good several minutes to come outside and stop her from pouring it out. I am constantly amazed at the lack of supervision this child has. This is the same child that climbed our fence last week, made her way up our deck and then could not get down. No one came out to check on her and the only way I found out was that there was something happening on the deck and the dog was in the house. It had to take her a good 5+ minutes to climb that fence and make it to our deck, and the whole time no one was watching her.

Later this afternoon my wife was looking out the window and noticed that our side gate was open. The gate we hardly ever use and was shut this morning when she was mowing the lawn. The only thing we can figure is that somehow the girl next door opened it. They have a gate adjacent to ours and she is always letting herself in to the front yard, so anything is possible.

The thing that gets me is the neighbors are nice enough people but they do not watch this girl. We live VERY close to a major street in our town. While we have a front yard, it is not what you would think since we live on "city" lots. The front is maybe 3 meters from the door to the street but we all have huge backyards which is what made it attractive for us to buy. When this poor girl is not trying to get in our backyard she is hanging out in the front of the house. How do you politely tell your neighbors to start watching their kid? I have racked my brains as has my wife but we cannot think of a single thing and our fear is that this poor girl is going to get hut someday because they were not watching.

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