
Satellites, Tornados and Naps...

The youngest is still refusing to take naps. That means I either let him go and watch him melt down at 7pm or I put him down for his nap now and be up until 2am with him. Either way sucks but which is the lesser of the two evils? He did finally eat for me though. He chowed down at lunch cramming 3.5 of the 6 fish sticks, all the fruit cup and chips and then an entire jar of 3rd level pasta and veggies. We hate that he is still eating from some of the jars but it is the only way he will eat veggies right now. Heck, until 2 weeks ago he would not eat anything unless it was pureed so getting him to eat the chunky style veggies is a huge step forward.

My back is throbbing today but I am sure that is all from this weather we have been having. Apparently the storms that roared through here last night spawned several tornados just west of us. We got some pretty good thunder from the storm and a bit of rain but not at all what they predicted for the area. I am not bitching about it though, I would be happy if all the storms just passed on by. While I am enjoying the cooler weather the roller coaster ride of the pressure systems is killing it for me.

Tornados during the daytime really do not bother me as I can find my way easily It is the ones that come during the middle of the night. If you are lucky enough to hear the sirens before the sucker hits you then you generally get to find your way to the basement in the dark¹, screw that. My wife (she studied atmospheric science in college) and I love to track all the storms coming in and she has all the big wig sites that give us love Doppler feeds, which she can understand. Since Win XP can handle 2 monitors from the same computer. Since both desktops and the laptop are set up for 2 video outputs and I just happen to have the extra monitors (see pack rat thread) to run on them. They may not be huge monitors, but it should let us run several real time sites at once. When I get the TV tuner cards it will get better as I am going to run the satellite feed to the main desktop. Then she can have a live TV feed from local as well as her sites. I figure I should see her again sometime in July when the weather calms down.

¹- For most people. Being the anal retentive person that I am all rooms have a flashlight with the batteries checked every payday, since having a preteen means batteries disappear easily. We also have a battery operated lantern, weather radio and a waterproof tub in the basement. It is filled with food and all the things we would need for 48 hours if need be.

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