
Time for the haircuts!


I skipped the afternoon meds so that I could take the boys to get their haircuts as we have neglected it for weeks. We all look like shag mops running around here and that is something I hate. I cannot stand unkempt hair and when I was in the service I cut it every 3 days. Of course on post it was $5 and just me and now it is $40 for the 3 of us. Outrageous prices if you ask me especially since the 3 of us can be done in 15 minutes. Oh well, the price for having a family.

We got home a few minutes ago and it has started to rain. The temperature drop has really played havoc with my back so I took my meds and flopped in to the recliner to watch the idiot box and do some blogging. There is not much on and I find myself watching I married a Princess which is about Casper Van Dien from Starship Troopers which is perhaps on of the greatest books ever written.

Anyway, the I settled on this as the remote is on the other side of the room and I am to lazy to go get it. Oddly it is not so bad, especially if you have a family. It is not the typical hollywood bullcrap that you would expect and instead reminds me of any family with kids, especially a toddler. They show them with the same concerns and fears that ordinary families have and they don't live in some super huge mansion either. A very down to earth, church going family that could be living next door to any of us. Having a very similar but not as large family I can readily identify with many of the problems they are dealing with, a toddler, a pre-teen, work issues and so on.

What's funny is that other then Starship Troopers I did not realize he had done that much acting, although I have to admit that I only recognize a few of the 48 movies he has been in and I did not watch any of the TV shows he was part of. I guess with that many movies, even if they are "B" rates, he has had a successful career.

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