
Pope Benedict XVI

Well in one of the shortest conclaves in a century, the Cardinals have elected Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany the Catholic Church's new Pontiff.

I am not to pleased with the reasons behind the selection. I understand that there are some politics involved in running the church, this election seems to have been purely from political standpoint. I agree that we need a Pope who will carry on in the tradition of John Paul II but to say that a younger one could not do that job kind of bothers me, that they elected a Pope based on his age and fears of a long pontificate.

Driving back from the grocery store I was listening to NPR and they were asking some callers what they thought about the new Pope and they started in on how they need to allow women to be ordained, Priests to be able to marry and homosexuals should be openly admitted to the church. All issues that I just think are not going to happen over night and possibly do not agree with myself.

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