
Who called in the 5am wakeup?

My youngest thought it would be fun to wake up at 5am and ask for his juice. Since it was early enough I figured I would trek downstairs and get him some juice, hoping he would go back to bed for at least another hour or but no luck.

So now I am bleary eyed, watching Monsters Inc., again and waiting for my water to heat up so I can have a nice cup of Earl Grey and then read my new magazines before trying to put the baby down for his nap. The good news is that he should take an early nap and then he should be ready for bed at a decent time this evening.

Lately I have had a slew of new symptoms that which may be associated with the arachnoiditis but I am not convinced of that. While there has not been a clinical diagnoses I am fairly certain that I also have Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy. I basically have many of the symptoms and as the website points out this can be an underlying symptom of something much larger, like a herniated disc and spinal cord disorders. Interesting indeed.

It would certainly explain many of the things happening to me that are not symptoms of the arachnoiditis. Lately I have developed thick reddish skin, not like the rash from the lamictal, and it does not respond to any kind of lotions. I also have several sores that I cannot explain. They are not big or ulcerated as the first sites pictures show, and they will not go away. It has been about 2 weeks and maybe a bit more since I first noticed them and while I have been putting neosporyn on them, they do not go away.

I also noticed they list one of the symptoms of RSD as rapid growth of nails, and once again in the last few weeks I have noticed that I am having to trim my nails more often as well I have developed an ingrown nail on both my big toes. Now the nail growth can be associated with my switching to a new vitamin as well as my consumption of milk.

Their list of the symptoms and the stages are indeed interesting and I am left wondering how a doctor might make a diagnoses in someone with spinal cord injury, especially if some of the symptoms of the RSD are the same as the spinal cord injury. As we know from other postings arachnoiditis can cause the migraines, excessive sweating (as can some of the meds), poor circulation due to nerve damage amongst others making a diagnoses that much more difficult I am sure.

Right now I am not sure what or how I want to deal with this. I figure when I see the doc next week I will mention it and see what his opinion on it might be. I am not willing to scream "the sky is falling" when there are several other explanations.

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