
I hate stupid teenagers!

So I am upstairs with my son watching a movie while the other one is taking a nap when there is a loud crashing noise, like someone dropped an A/C unit off the roof. I head down to check it out and as I get to the bottom of the stairs my doorbell is ringing. I open it to find my neighbor and as I look out over her shoulder there sits my family's car. Totaled.

Some peeheaded teenage bimbo driving too fast and not paying attention rear ended our car which was parked in the same spot it has been for over 3 years without a problem. She hit it hard enough to destroy the whole rear end, bend the axle and break the front windshield. She tried to play it off by telling the police officer that she sneezed and jerked the steering wheel, but I find that hard to freaking believe. It's probably more like she reached down for the cell phone or was too busy yacking on the stupid thing.

While I am standing there and talking to my wife about this, our only family car, the girl butts in and starts swearing at us and telling us "I said I was sorry" well, sorry just is not going to cut it sweetheart. Especially after telling us she is 18 and this is NOT her first accident she caused. She had an insurance card that had valid dates, but that remains to be seen. My wife worked in the rental business for 6 years and saw a lot of valid cards for cancelled policies.

Top it off the car seat for our son needs to be replaced. Industry standards call for the seats to be replaced after being involved in an accident, even if they were not occupied. Of course the kicker is the cop telling me that since no one witnessed the accident he cannot write her any tickets. No one saw the accident? How the hell would he know, he did not even question anyone. He was here long enough to get our info, write a brief report and sketch and then he took off. I would say less then 20 minutes for him on the scene and 18 of them in the car writing. I understand he is just doing his job but when there are 30 people standing around you would think he would ask someone if they saw it.

Then there is the lady from down the street who walks up on to my porch and as I am standing there talking to myself and trying to figure out what I want to do with this, like call my insurance company or lawyer first, she babbles on about something. I asked her to get the hell off my porch. I have no idea who she is and I certainly did not need her telling me how I should be handling this.

I am so damned frustrated right now. This dumb girl does not even understand that the damage she caused is going to put a very big strain on my family right now. After paying all the money we have for my medical bills, even with 100% insurance we are screwed right now. There is no way the car can be fixed and there is no way we can afford a new or even a used one right now.

This stupid girl was driving mommy & daddy's car. She is going to go home and cry, maybe be grounded from the car for a month and then go on fucking living like nothing ever happened. I have no way to get my son to and from school on the days my wife works, I have no way to get to my doctors appointments, no way to go grocery shopping or anything like that until this gets sorted out. She probably could care less as she worries about not being able to drive herself to the mall or where ever it is bimbo's hang out now.

My wife has called out insurance company, thankfully we have 100% coverage for something like this but of course no matter what we know get to pay more for our premiums. We have rental car coverage on the policy but I have no idea what kind or when or how we might get that since you have to have a credit card to do so and all ours went to medical bills and other things like house payments when we were both out of work.

Disclaimer- I know all teens are not like this girl. Her utter arrogance and verbal attack only shows that she is one of those teens who believes everything is someone elses fault and that the world owes them something.

Edit: I went out to look at it again and I realized that she moved the car more then I thought. From where the skid marks begin until where the wheels rest is 7.5 feet. Yea, she was doing 35.


Saija said...

awww ... i am SO SORRY to hear this!

opforsoldier said...

Thank you Saija. If it were not for my belief in God I really think this would have put me over the edge. The last 2 years have been a serious financial strain and dealing with my back, my former spouse as well as some other things I keep asking myself, "have I not passed the test?"

Thankfully my family was not in the car, nor was I so we are all fine. The girl who hit the car was obviously shaken and until she started giving us some lip I was planning on being quite forgiving. Now I am not so sure.

Our insurance company is already working on this, we have Progressive, and we spoke with the adjuster. He was laughing as he had just left my town and was all the way on the other side of the city. With no police report or anything he said there was not much he could do until he had that. I asked if her tag number would be enough to get going with, and lucky me I just happened to video tape the scene before she took off so I had at least that. I also sent him some pictures of the damage so he can at least have some idea of what he is going to be dealing with.

Oh well. I calmed myself down with some meds and a bag of Oreos.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure How I stumbled into your blog, but I'm very sorry to hear that, people these days are just plain stupid. I hope everything will go well for you and your family.