
I feel quite bad this evening. Today we were supposed to head to my parents house for an afternoon of relaxing but last night I was having some problems with spasms and decided I should not drive that far. Normally this would not be a big deal but this is one of those times my medical condition really pisses me off. I called my dad this morning and let him know that I was not comfortable making the drive and he was understanding. I have never had to cancel family plans because of my back but then again I usually have someone to drive me.

Well this evening, right after dinner time my dad called me to check up on how I was doing. Generally when he knows I am not feeling well he will make sure to call me a time or two during the day to make sure I am ok, and I figured this was no different. As soon as I answered the phone though my entire family was on the speaker phone singing Happy Birthday. Ok, yesterday was my little brothers birthday so I joined in thinking this was for him, except it was for both of us.

While my birthday is still a week and change away they had apparently planned this evening as a birthday party for both of us since we are hardly all together at one time any more. While no one told me that was what tonight was for I guess I should have had some clue. They had cake and all the trimmings for us and I blew it.

I am seriously hating this crap and the fact that it is starting to interfere more and more with my life. I understand that I am stuck with it and my wife and I have done our best to make sure it does not affect everyone else, but that apparently is going to pot and that bothers me.

I did go looking at canes this week. I stopped at several Home Health Stores thinking they would have a great selection and they do, if you want to spend $100 or more. Even with my insurance company picking up some of the cost of a cane it can still be expensive and I was left wondering how can I justify spending that kind of money on myself when my sons need shorts and sneakers for the summer. I can still get away with grabbing a cart and using that in the stores for now and then we were in CVS yesterday. Back by the pharmacy counter they had a row of canes and while some of them were expensive, they were not as bad as the specialty stores. My wife and I dug through the rack and found one that is just my size and fits my price range of super cheap, $13.99 US dollars.

1 comment:

Saija said...

i hear ya ... i hate arach too!

atleast you got a good price on the cane! leo will need to start using one, his legs just don't want to hold him up much ... he's done pretty well up to this point ...

had some friends/neighbours over today to help repair our floating dock ... they were so kind about it all ... even tho' leo was out there, he didn't have to do anything, just squat around ...

anyway, i've got to go get some shut-eye!

may the Lord give you the strength when your own fails ... ((hugs))