
Turns out the girl was driving someone else's car and is not on their insurance. While my agent is on the ball and trying to get their insurance to pony up I decided I was not even going to wait for them to play their stupid game and spoke with an attorney. Since she was driving someone else's car it can get messy when the insurance companies come in to play. I called theirs this morning to get some information on where to get a rental and I was told that they are basically not going to be paying for anything, right now. Screw that, some moron driving someone else's car hits me and I hold the short end of the stick? Not happening. I did that last year when the neighbors tree did all that damage.

No, this time they have until 9am tomorrow morning to get me squared away and then I sue her as well as the guy who owns the car and let them worry for a bit.

1 comment:

Saija said...

i'm shaking my head as i look at the pics and listen to the story unfold ... here's praying that things work out better than you could have ever expected ...

digi cameras and video recorders are wonderful to have, eh! they can sure capture the moment, before it can "get away" on you ...