
Homemade caramel for the homemade custard...

The custard is fabulous but very rich compared to ice cream. Without adding any extras it tastes just as a fine custard should, almost reminding me of my YaYa's rice pudding when I was a child.

The first batch is soft, almost silky, and I made the big mistake of giving myself the same 2 big scoops I would if it were ice cream and halfway through the second scoop I had to stop as it was so rich. I re-calculated and this batch should last much longer then I thought.

I also made a few test batched of caramel this evening trying some different brown sugars as well as different amounts of it and cream to get the right consistency. Some more work over the next few weeks and we should have a dead ringer for my favorite places. A nice thick caramel, not so sweet it over powers the custard and it has to be somewhat thick so it "hangs" in the custard when we use the stick blender to mix it.

I will get some pictures tomorrow as I did not even think about it until after we were all done. The good news is that my 11 year old was loving it. Before this we had custard maybe once or twice a month but now we can have a scoop whenever, which he was just tickled about.

1 comment:

Saija said...

mmmmm, it sounds really really good! so does anyone in your household ever gain weight???? *laughing* ...