
Early morning pain and police reports...

Waking up has been very difficult in the morning. Even wearing the Lidoderm to sleep and taking the meds I am still quite sore and stiff in the morning. Last night I forgot to put the heat on and it got down to 65 in the house and while I enjoy a cool night where I can pull out the down comforter it was torture getting out of bed.

I stopped by the Police Dept. this morning and got a certified copy of the accident report. I then called their insurance company and for the first time in 3 days I figured out their disconnect. They thought that the guy who owns the car was driving. They had no clue someone else was, even though I kept mentioning it. So I faxed them a copy of the report and got them moving along.

We also got to trade in the little Cavalier for a Nissan Altima. Boy this car is roomy, plenty of space for the family and the car seat my sister gave me, a Britax, and it fits quite nicely in the back leaving plenty of room for our oldest soon too.

Then I got a call from the company working on the estimate for the Taurus and it looks like they will be able to fix it. I was happy to hear that as we like the car. It has a lot going for it, including it is a comfortable car for all of us, it has the space we need, we have less the 24 payments left on it and in 3 years we have put a bit less then 36K miles on the car. It is well taken care of and should last us a good 4 or 5 years after we pay it off before hitting 100K miles. By then our oldest will want something to drive.

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