
While these pictures do not really show the real damage, they should give you an idea of how hard she hit us. The car was moved 7.5 feet from where it was parked, it looks as if the frame and both axles have been bent as well as all the other cosmetic damage.

Our claims adjuster has already called us and started what he can on a Sunday. Since it is going to take some for the police report to be filed and ready for them there was not much he could do. Since the officer did not give me any of her information I could not really be of much help right now, but then I remembered that I filmed the scene and purposely got her tag numbers. The adjuster said he could use that to get some things started and I sent him the 17 pictures so he could see what he was dealing with.

We have full coverage as well as rental coverage so he is working on getting us a rental while they figure out what is going to happen to ours.

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