
Headaches & nothing to do...

A monster headache this afternoon. I am sure it is from all the stress of the last few days and I seriously considered going to the ER but instead we called to see if I had a refill left on the Relpax, which I did. Since I have not been able to see the doc about the Toradol this is going to have to do.

The pharmacy had some in stock and since this is not something they have to count manually, they come pre-packaged so they just need to slap the prescription label on it and go. I was not looking forward to hanging out in the ER getting stuck with IV's, especially since Law & Order and then The Shield are on this evening.

The meds are working quickly and I am feeling much better right now. The wanting to throw up had passed and I am able to sit here without the room spinning, which is always a good thing. It has been awhile since I have had one as bad as this but like I said, I am sure the stress from the last few days helped it along.


Saija said...

the throw-up feeling is one of those constants for Leo too ... for him, i think it's the meds tho' ...

i'm glad you felt better by the evening ... sometimes R&R in front of the tube with a fav show is good relaxation therapy!

i am heading to the salt mines in the park ... so must dash! blessings on your day!

opforsoldier said...


I like the "dash" comment.

Saija said...

i think i am "witty" by accident ... 'cause i didn't even realize i was being cutesy with that comment! i know i make my work buds laugh? it's my "i love lucy" side! :)