
Who's on first?

I have been a bit busy this morning and had to run all the way down to my doctors office to pick up a refill for my pain meds. I did not know the DEA had imposed a new rule on re-fills where you can no longer just run in and grab the prescription and go fill it, no matter that I had seen the doctor just 2 weeks ago. The DEA requires that you see the doctor/nurse and they take vitals on you as well the doctors office changed their procedures and they now require that you have an "appointment" to do this.

Well no one told me anything about it the last time I saw the doctors so I just cruised in to the office. Not knowing I had to see the nurse I could not figure out what was going on and so I kept trying to explain to them that I was just there to pick up my prescription. Every time I would say that she would tell me I needed an appointment I would explain that I did see the nurse practitioner but she told me since I was not out of meds I could not have the refill until this week and that all I was there for was to pick it up. I also let her know that the nurse had already filled out the prescription and it was in my medical records. After 3 minutes of Laurel & Hardey routines she finally realized that since this is a brand new regulation, no one had told me of the change. So it took an extra few minutes to see the nurse and I was out of there.

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