
Another near miss...

And yet another interesting day in the plains. About the time we were putting the youngest down for a noon nap my back started acting funny. A sharp shooting pain as well as throbbing in the lower back and down the leg. I have had both symptoms before but not this bad and not at the same time.

About 2 hours later I found out why, that little rain storm they called for turned in to one of the worst storms we have had this year. Baseball sized hail in the towns around us, golf ball sized in my town, about 3-4" of rain came down quickly flooding out the streets and a small tornado developed just about 1 mile north of us and touched down on the other side of the river and moved off to the north.

Something funny about storms like this, relatives you have not heard from in sometime call because they heard about it on The Weather Channel and they were worried. I do however like to call my parents during these storms as they live just about 30 minutes south of me and the difference in weather can be amazing. This time of the year we get hit hard with rain, hail and tornados while they get some rain and a bit of hail but it just does not seem to be as intense as here. The winter is the opposite, we will get a light dusting and they have 4" of snow.

Anyway, living in the plains states certainly makes for interesting afternoons. They always say, "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" and it is pretty much true. However, the cost of living here and the friendliness of the people cannot be beat with a stick so I think we will stick around for a bit.

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