
That's a load off...

I just got back from picking up the car from the repair shop and have to say that I am happy to have one less thing to worry about right now.

The car looks good and seemed to drive well but it will take me a few days to get the feel for it again. They had to replace all the tires which saved me about $750 as they would have had to been replaced in the next year anyway, and they also had to replace the rear window. Apparently the seal was damaged and it is not something that can be replaced without doing the whole window. So for a $50 gasket they had to put in a $665 window.

Anyway, it is back and it is nice to know that my insurance company supplies a lifetime warranty on all the repairs made since we used their preferred auto body shop. The shop that did the work as well as the company that did the paint job supply a limited warranty (3 years) on the work they have done.

After 3 weeks of dealing with the insurance company it is nice to finally have the bulk of the problem taken care of. Now all I have to do is get them to replce the car seat that was damaged and we are good to go.


Saija said...

you must be getting mighty good at all the paperwork by now! sheesh, eh! but atleast you got it paid/done in a timely fashion!

i almost stepped in some bear poop today, in our backyard ... i was toying with the idea of posting a picture of it, but??? i didn't ... poop is poop, even though it is a big shovel full! i'm sure there is a very funny story in that somewhere ...

we've had damp weather lately, you know what that means for poor leo ... i don't know what to do for him, except be his "go for" girl! poor guy ...

just stopping by, saying hi!

opforsoldier said...

I am very glad to have the car back. I had to take my son to school this morning, their last full day!, and I can tell that it feels just so much better. Since they did so much suspension work they had to lube the entire chasis as well replace all the parts that were broken, which I am sure were also worn after 3 years, and it made for a nice smooth much quieter ride.

Of course after being spoiled for 3 weeks in a very roomy car I am back to packing myself in to a mid size car. I don't mind it but I have to admit that it was nice to have all that leg room the rental had. My wife and I discussed it and when the time comes for a new car we will be looking at the Altima as a choice.