
So after all that crap with my ex-wife and my sons summer visit she finally sent me an email the other day saying they would be here on the 4th.

Well this evening she calls and tries to pull some shit out of her ass. She said that her husband was willing to meet me halfway, tomorrow. Like usual she likes to pull crap like this at the last minute and has no regard for anyone else's plans as long as she gets her way. Like usual she is trying to get everything her way and it does not matter who gets screwed over in the process.

The funny thing is that the other day I told her I refused to discuss this by email and if she wished to talk about it then she would have to call me. So she calls me at 6pm on the night before decides is the one she wants to pick him up. Then she wonders why people have a problem with the way she does things.

Long story short, before the conversation was over my son walked in to the room and told her that he did not want to leave before the 4th. Ironically in an email the other day my former wife told me that the day my son would start making his own decisions was coming and she could not wait. I wonder if she still feels that way tonight?

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