
Potty training...

Since my son is almost 2 1/2 we have been working on potty training him. Getting him to get to the potty is not difficult, it is getting him to the potty before he goes to the bathroom that is proving to be the task.

He knows what it is for and he will go sit on it and occasionally will even let us know he has to go, so we are close. Sometimes though he is a bit late in the notification and you have to check him before you go through the motions. Well checking is a simple pulling out the waistband from the rear while asking, "did you go poo-poo?" Simple enough and it helps him understand that when he feels that way it is time to use the bathroom.

The last few days though have been funny. He keeps walking up to my oldest son and my wife, pulling back the waistband on their pants and asking them, "did you go poo-poo?" The first time he did it was obviously the funniest, we were all just sitting around in the living room when he walked up to my wife and did that. Now we have a rule, we are not supposed to laugh when he does something like this, it only encourages him to do it even more. This time however I about fell out of the chair. It was not just what he said, but how he said it.

He is a constant source of entertainment with his antics. He constantly mimics everything, so I have had to tone down my language a bit as a 2 year old running around screaming "damnit" is not as funny to some people as you would think.

He loves Go Baby and the second he hears the music will come running to watch it. He has to do EVERYTHING the baby does, regardless of who he might be trampling on when he does it. Like a minute ago when it came on TV. He was sitting on the couch next to Mom and at the beginning of the clip the baby stands up and raises one leg and then switches, raising the other. Of course that means he has to do it as well and anyone who has ever stood on a couch, especially an older one, knows that it is not a stable platform. My poor wife's head and neck were supporting him as he danced about for the minute or so the clip was on. Wobbling back and forth with each dancing move he made. I guess it would not have been so bad had she been awake when it started but oh well, you should no better then to fall asleep with a toddle sitting in your lap!

He is now watching Spongebob, so she should be safe for a bit.

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