
The futures so bright I gotta wear shades...

Since I have started taking the Inderal I am having some trouble with bright lights. It is almost as if I am reading everything on pure white paper and my eyes will not focus. I have been having to wear my sunglasses when I normally would not have to and that sucks, have you ever tried to watch TV with sunglasses on?

It does not seem to be listed as one of the side effects on the inderal but I have found it as one on several generic "Beta Blocker" sites and Inderal is a beta blocker. Right now it is not something I am going to worry about provided it does not get worse.

I look forward to the day they figure something out for those of us with arachnoiditis and other similar CNS inuries. Not having to take a pill for this, that and the other thing is something I look forward too, as I am sure my family does.

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