
Mango Chutney, Spicy Chicken and The Shield...

Not much going on today. Seems like the day went flying by and now it is time to sit down and relax. I did get in some research and some reading and hopefully in the next day or so I should have some interesting stuff to post on pain management.

My evening is all planned, The Shield is on after a 2 week break, which drove me nuts! I do not watch a lot of TV, or at least I do not have a ton of shows I like to watch, but The Shield is one of those I do and I have not missed an episode since the first season. Hopefully they keep up the good work and put out a great show.

I did cook dinner this evening. I made a mango chutney and some roasted carrots to go along with my wild mushroom and saffron risotto. I also made some chicken on the grill that I had marinated with a touch of red wine vinegar (about 1tsp), some olive oil (first cold pressing), a bit of salt, cracked black pepper and then 2 chopped japalenos. I used the boneless skinless tenders so they would quick quickly and still be juicy. Use to big a piece of meat and it can dry out and add to much vinegar, or another acid, and you can end up with something like ceviche, although that is done with fish.

Everything came out very good, although I would have liked it a bit better had the risotto been a bit more done. I undercooked it a bit as trying to get everything done at the same time was somewhat of a juggling act and I pulled the rice early. Other then the risotto being a tad firm everything else was as I planned. The chutney with the carrots was awesome, the sweetness of the mango and the carrots worked really well with the acidity of the red wine vinegar and the marinade on the chicken was for lack of a better word, zesty.

To do all the cooking though I set up my wireless speakers in the kitchen, grabbed my new Time and Newsweek, turned on the evening news and sat back to watch my creations bubble to life. I only wish I could cook like I use to. Spending that much time in the kitchen hurts. All the back and forth and motions of cooking take their toll quickly.

The back has been the same old thing. Nothing super new on that front, it hurts and the meds make it feel a bit better. My youngest though is starting to understand that something is wrong with my back and if I grunt or groan for some reason, like mis-stepping or having to lift something, he rubs my back and says "hurts", like he is asking me if I am ok.

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