
I just found out that a very good friend was seriously wounded while he was in Iraq. Apparently he was driving down a road in the Baghdad area and his vehicle was hit by an IED which blew his vehicle in to the air. Had he not been in an armored HMMWV and had his driver not reacted the way he did it is possible that my friend would have been killed rather then wounded.

He has been home from Iraq for a few months now and tonight was the first chance I had to stop and talk for more then 5 minutes. It was nice to sit on his porch and just talk for awhile, something we had not done in 3 years or so. When I was running the brewery he used to come in all the time since he worked next door and we would sit and have a pint or two and shoot the breeze.

I am glad that he did make it home but at the same time I am very saddened by the fact that many of my brothers and sisters will not be coming home.

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