
And all was right with the world...

I did not sleep so well last night but my wife, the greatest wife there is, did not wake me up when it was time to take my son to school. Usually her waking up means the baby is up as well and instead of having to get him ready to go out one of us stays with him while the other (usually her) takes the oldest to school.

A nice relaxing day, the way all days should be! Since the Tea store is only open Wednesday through Saturday I have had to sit tight until 10am this morning. Yes, one of the problems of living in a small town, very few specialty shops and I am not driving the 45 miles to the other tea shop. Anyway, I bought my Oolong and my wife bought a few green teas for herself, including one called something like "Long Island Blend" or along those lines. It has a very nice strawberry smell to it and while I do not drink fruity teas, smelling this one gave me a craving for strawberries.

Since I was now in the mood for strawberries we had to hit the grocery store where we bought a ton of fruit and veggies. Seems like they were all on sale so I left with 2 huge flats of strawberries, or 8lbs, for $10. I also picked up some very nice cucumbers, plum tomatoes, which were also on sale for 2lbs for $4, vidalia onions which are very sweet onions, some honeydew melon which were .99¢ a piece and some very nice mangos which were .50¢ a piece. There were some other fruits and veggies in there but these were all on sale well below their normal prices. Mangos are generally $2 a piece and honeydews are $1.49 regular with a good melon being 3-4lbs. I also grabbed some angle food cake because the moron dog ate the one I got yesterday and a Bavarian Sponge cake so I can make desert this week.

I can hardly wait until the farmers market opens for the season, which should be by the end of this month. There is a lady who has some of the best herbs and spices, organically grown, and for a good price. There is also a local honey producer who has a few varieties but his wildflower honey is some of the sweetest I have ever tasted and at $1.25 a pound it is dirt cheap.

After doing some shopping we came home and just flaked out to The Incredibles, since my son has lost interest in Monsters Inc. and made some roast beef sandwiches for lunch. The next thing I knew is it was 15:30 and my youngest was giving me kisses and asking me to get up and play. I love it when he wakes me up like that.

I know, we did not do much today but I got out of the house and walk around like the doc told me too. I was a bit sore from cruising up and down the aisles at the store and by the time we were done I felt like sitting in the cart, but I figured I would probably crush the eggs.

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