
Neighbors can be a pain in the ass...

So a few weeks ago my neighbor sold his house way below market value. He did not live there (he rented it out) and I believe he inherited it some time ago. Anyway, with the nice low price it got a buyer right out of the chute. I met them once when they were moving in and that 30 second or so were obviously a waste of time.

Now we live in an older neighborhood where everyone is rather friendly and we all know each other. In the 3 years I have lived here it has been nice and quiet and everyone gets along. That was until they moved in! So far three of my other neighbors have had problems with them and today I went out for 20 minutes to get some milk and by the time I got back they had parked their cars in front of my house. In normal neighborhoods that would not be a big deal except in mine we do not have driveways, just the street. They have 2 people living there and 4 cars out front, WTF is that all about?

While the old neighbors and I did not talk to much at least they were nice people who respected the parking spaces. I know this sounds petty but nothing sucks worse then coming home everyday and having to park a block over when you own the damn house you live in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I hate when my neighbors park in front of my house. I live in the same type of parking situation, and nothing pisses me off more than that. There's a damn parking lot behind our houses that no one uses, if they're going to have an overflow of cars, use that! Also, they pull their car into their back yard, and park it right up by the house. So when I go into my back yard (which is my sactuary) I have to look at thier ugly car! What a pain in the ass!
