
Winter Weather Warning!

I guess we are under a winter weather warning that goes in to later this evening. They are predicting that we will get somewhere up to 9 inches of snow depending on where in the area you live, with the heaviest snow falling north of the freeway. Lucky me I live north of the freeway. Edit: They are now calling it a heavy snow warning which means we could see several inches over a short period as well there will be limited visibility. It's about time we got some real snow! The leading edge of the storm is only an hour and change away which is sooner then I thought. When it starts coming down I will see if I can get the cam corder and shoot some of the snow coming down.

I noticed when I went to bed that I felt a bit warmer then normal but figured it was from the nerve damage, like I described the other day. However this morning I am still feeling pretty warm and after taking my temp it was at 101. Since my normal body temp is a low 96 the 101 is a bit warmer then it seems. I don't have the aches and pains that you get when your sick so I don't actually feel bad, just hot.

The back and legs this morning are not to bad. A slight knot in the small of my back and my left leg as usual is a bit numb with a slight throb in the thigh. Actually not bad considering that it is freezing outside (21F). The cold generally makes the arthritis flare up a bit. All in all I guess I am doing pretty good this morning.

Maybe it is the snow coming. I love the snow and it always puts me in a good mood. It reminds me of my childhood and growing up on Long Island. I don't think I have lived anyplace that gets as much snow as we did back then so when I do see the snow it reminds me of all the good times we had as kids. Making forts, neighborhood snowball fights, dad helping us move the huge balls to make snowmen. Taking the sleds to Old Bethpage Park to go sledding was always fun.

Speaking of sledding. We have a huge hill here, I would say a good 200' run with the first 50-60' of it almost 45° down. When the hill gets some good snow and it is packed nicely it is a fast run. I would guess it is one of the fastest hills I have ever been on and even beats most of the blue trails I have skied. It even has a set of stairs for the top part of the hill where it is to steep to try and climb back up.

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