
GI Joe captured...

I heard about this not long after I got up this morning and figured if there was any video on this it would be parked at Ogrish WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!
If you do not like graphic photos or videos then do not click through to Ogrish.
I found what I was looking for and had to really laugh when I saw this picture.

Now, you have to laugh as if this was a real person they have the worlds smallest freaking head. I mean come on, who other then the networks would really fall for something like this? Of course like any good hoax someone had it pegged in a matter of hours and had this picture as evidence.

Of course the gucciflauge on the M-4 which appears to be stuck in midair is also a giveaway. I have to hand it to who ever tried this, they obviously fooled some people long enough to bump the news of the election to the back page of the papers. Maybe that was their intended goal?

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