
Grocery shopping...

We did some monster grocery shopping last night. I was shocked when the register finally stopped on $370US. I know we seriously needed to do that much shopping but it sucks when you realize that for a small family groceries are expensive. I did find a nice beef roast and I am dying to make it. Of course my mouth is watering just thinking about the wonderful smell it will have when cooking and the roasted potatoes and carrots that go with it. Then it hit me (ok, my wife reminded me) that today is Friday, a day of fasting.

The med change has made a HUGE difference, but we were expecting that since we had suck luck with the oxycontin the last time I was on it. While it did not feel great to walk around the grocery store and push a huge cart full of food around, I was also not in monster pain after doing all that walking. I did break out in a hot flash though that lasted a good 2 hours. I felt like I had just stepped out of the shower on a Midwestern August day.

I decided that since I am going to see a specialist next week that I will bring the disabled parking forms. With the symptoms seemingly spreading I am slowly starting to think that hiking across parking lots is not so wise anymore. I am torn though as I know I qualify for the placard but at the same time I feel like I am still healthy enough to walk. It can be frustrating at times but I think I am dealing with this better now then last year.

Anyway, I got the website finished for the company and am just waiting for them to send me the changes they would like done to finish it up and then I am going to start on a new site for a property management company. I met the owner yesterday while waiting for the doctor and found that his site is seriously lacking, difficult to navigate and very cluttered. I am hoping to get a jump on that this weekend.

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