
Lamictal, another anti-seizure med...

While the one thing that the doctor did prescribe for me the other day was an anti-seizure medicine called Lamictal which is also used in cases like arachnoiditis.

I have taken some of the other anti-seizure meds with no luck so I am skeptical about this one as well. Especially after reading the warning labels and seeing that death from a skin infection is a side effect of this particular one. Things that make you go hmmm.

Anyway, I was not going to fill the prescription but I thought about it for a bit and realized that I needed to. While the other meds did not work before I figured that this might be the one that does. I also decided that while I would not get the epidurals, I would try some of the other methods I have not done before. For some reason it is more difficult to explain then it should be but basically I figured that if I do not try what the doctor orders then my insurance company may deny coverage if I go to a different doctor. I do not like it but we don't always get to have things our way.

Right now my back is a bit numb and the pain is definitely spreading to the right side. The burning is intense, especially on the left side but it is on the right side as well. There has also been a series of muscle spasms with the left leg that are new. They have not been to bad yet, and thankfully they have not been as frequent as the ones in the lower back.

This afternoon I received another form from the Social Security folks regarding the migraines I had last year that put me in the hospital. Thankfully I had blogged those events and was able to refer back to the entries to fill in the dates as well as what happened. The blog finally pays off, LOL!

All in all though I feel good today. My son is having a friend spend the night and my wife has returned to a normal work schedule, which means she now works all shifts so no more of this coming home at 3am after a long night of dealing with teenagers in the restaurant. I think she is happier to be back on this schedule as well it is a requirement if she would like to be promoted. She is on if not ahead of schedule to be an AGM and possibly have her own store within two or three years. It is also supposed to be nice and warm this weekend, I might be able to open the windows and air out the "winter" from the house.

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