
DVR or TV Card?

What a day! My back and legs finally stopped spasming but there is still some slight numbness and burning in my back and left foot. I spent most of the day with the boys in the rec room just relaxing.

I just found out that Glenn Close is joining The Shield. I don't know what to think as I love the Shield and do not really care for Glenn Close. My wife and I have very few shows we really like and The Shield is one of them. We have been hooked since the first episode and anxiously wait for the next season to start.

Another show we like to watch is Monk. Tony Shalhoub is a riot and is one of my favorite characters from Wings.

I need to spend some money and buy a DVR. We have DirecTv and they will sell you one but I am not sure I want the model they have. I was thinking about buying a TV card for my desktop and another receiver and using my 160GB SATA drive on that to record the shows my wife misses. Since her schedule changes week to week she misses some episodes and might not get to see them before the next week. If anyone has a suggestion for a DVR or a TV Card I am open ears.

With me being home and with my son all day we watch a lot of The Disney Channel but if I have to sit through The Wiggles much longer I am going to need to be checked in to a mental ward. I don't know which is worse, The Wiggles or the fact that my son LOVES the Teletubbies. Talk about ANNOYING!

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