
Sony brings a whole new meaning to couch potato...

OK, this is just what some of those overweight couch potatoes need. Now you can play your game and order pizza without having to get up from the computer.

This is indeed sad, as our country becomes increasingly overweight the very same people who are wondering why will be lining up to buy this and many other games. The games that have kept kids from going outside and playing will not encourage them to go ahead and order that double meat lovers pizza.

Story here

NEW YORK - Demonstrating a deep understanding of what its computer-gaming audience, Sony has built the ability to order pizza into its latest online multiplayer game.

Type the command "/pizza" while playing Everquest II, a fantasy game with 330,000 active players, and get the Pizza Hut Web site, where you can place orders for delivery.

Chris Kramer, spokesman for Sony Online Entertainment, said he believes this is the first time a game accepts orders for real-world items.

Sony plans to integrate the pizza function more tightly into the game, so players can charge pizza to their monthly game subscription bill.

"The goal for the future is to eventually let people do more things like this," Kramer said. "They could type /harry potter and get the new Harry Potter (news - web sites) book delivered or /star wars and get the new Star Wars DVD."

Many games incorporate ads and product placements, but such opportunities are limited with fantasy games like Everquest.

Though the new pizza feature might satisfy appetites, caution is required as the game doesn't pause while you're ordering.

"You wouldn't want to order pizza in the thick of combat, but anywhere that's safe is a good place," said Kramer.

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