
Chicken with his head cut off...

I need to run all over the place today and tomorrow to gather medical records and x-ray, CT Scans and MRI films for the pain doc. I then need to change the appointment to hopefully something earlier then Friday as well later in the morning then 7am. I do not mind the early morning but my wife's schedule at work changed which means I would have to get the baby up early as well and take him with me. There is NO FREAKING way I am waking him up at 5am if I do not have to.

My shoulders still hurt this morning. I was hoping that it was just something that would go away in a few days, but it does not appear to be that way. Since it is both shoulders I cannot help but believe that it is not from sleeping the wrong way and more and more I am thinking it is all related to my back. CRAP!!!

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