

Well we hit the store today so my wife could buy some clothes and when ever we hit this particular mall we have to go to the bookstore, Foozles. They have a HUGE selection of books and they are very cheaply priced.

Down the center of the store they have some tables where all books are $1. These are new books and my according to the company page they get them from over runs on printing, out of business book stores etc...

Well I have been toying around with Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX as well as a few other tools from Macromedia but the books that come with them are a tough read when you are medicated. Well in the store today I got a nice surprise, they had some great books on Flash, Dreamweaver & Cold Fusion, not the idiots or dummies either, for $1 a piece. I grabbed 4 books that had the original prices totaling $140US and I got them for $4.30 total. I was ecstatic!

Even better is that the books came with the discs and while I have the Macromedia Studio already I did not have Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. I know you can download the 30 day versions from the websites and that these are only trial versions on the discs (not fully functional) but they will let me know if it is something I am willing to spend the money on to get a full license.

I know it is going to take some time to get up to speed on all these products but what else do I have to do? I figure by the summer I should have a strong grasp on all of them and maybe in the fall I might register for some other classes. I do definitely know that on Wednesday I am going back to the book store to grab some more as they had some good ones on XML that I would like to grab. While I will not get to them all right away, for $1 they can sit on the shelf for a bit.

They also have books on anything you can imagine, cheap. They had the whole MCSE study guide for like $10 a book and when I saw those at Barnes & Noble they were much more then that. I am looking forward to going back as we had to leave earlier then I would have liked to because my back decided to go out while we were walking around.

If you have one of their stores near you, I highly recommend them for some great deals.

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