
It boggles the mind...

If you allowed your child to spend the night at someone else's house and told the parent you would be by to pick him up at about 2pm, would you be there at 2pm?

If you are going to be late do you call them and let them know what is going on?

Some people are truly amazing in their lack of concern for their children's welfare. My sons friend spent Friday night with us and was supposed to be picked up at about 2pm today. Here it is 9pm and no call, no email nothing. It boggles the mind and makes you really wonder what is going on.

I do not care how trustworthy someone might be, when my son spends the night I am there at the time we agree on as I have things to do and I am sure that they also would like to get on about their day.

Sadly this has happened with them before and no matter how many times we discuss this before the weekend, they end up doing the same thing. We just plan on it as a part of the deal now, even though we should not have to, because the boys really do enjoy hanging out together.

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