
Magazines and remotes...

The Kadian is making me tired this morning. My eyes feel like they have lead weights trying to shut them but right now it is just me and the baby, so there is no sleeping until his nap time. Other then being tired everything else is ok this morning. The back seems to be holding out this morning and my feet are only slightly numb, nothing that will sideline me.

We just finished my oldest sons school magazine drive. Since he goes to Catholic School we do several fundraisers a year, one of which is the magazine drive. They ask each family to sell X amount of dollars in subscriptions and they have a great selection to choose from. Apparently all the slips were supposed to have been turned in yesterday, but for some reason I thought it was today. I did get them to the school this morning and all is ok, but my son was freaking out about it. For each magazine sold the kids earn points. They can then trade the points in for different things. Now you can either opt out of the fundraising and pay the dollar amount straight to the school or you can sell the magazines and offset the tuition that way. I figure if I have to pay the $150 anyway I might as well get something else for it, so my wife and I bought all the magazines. We ended up spending about $170 but we got 9 magazines and 5 of them were 2 year subscriptions. I went for my usual, Time,Newsweek, Wired and Fortune while my wife went for some of the Girl magazines. We also got a few for the boys.

Right now I am watching my son take out the DVD's and stack them all together. He is a riot when he is on a mission like he is right now and nothing will stop him from finishing what he is doing. Of course his favorite thing to do is color, and when he says the word "color" you can't help but smile. While he is only 2 he knows what is what. He knows where the spoons are for his cereal, he knows which buttons on the remotes work which item, where the crayons are kept and which light switched work which lights. The energy that this boy has is amazing. He goes non-stop from the time he is up until it is time for bed, and even then he will fight it trying to stay awake as long as possible. As if he is going to miss something if he falls asleep.

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