
I can handle this...

This was a very nice day outside. I would say we got in to the mid-60's and sunny which of course meant we all got outside. I sat mostly on the deck and watched the boys run around as well as got some good video of all of them just playing. Then I come inside to get dinner ready for the boys and listen to the weather report, tomorrow is going to be cool and then Monday freezing rain turning in to snow. That's the Midwest for you, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes.

I also got a nice surprise, the new neighbors next door are proving more and more everyday to be very nice people. They have taken a house that I was worried would be bought by someone who would not fix it as it needed about $40K in repairs. It used to be a rental and it was run down over the years and then sold this summer. We had some problems with the owner after a storm left about $10K damage to my house and my other neighbor after his tree feel across both our houses. Long story short he approached us and offered to fix the damage but as soon as we both filed claims he changed his tune. In the end we got our houses fixed and he paid for it.

The new neighbor had a tree service out there all day yesterday and today cutting down dead trees and fixing the yard up. It looks good now and we will actually get some nice evening sun from that side again. He will also be able to grow some grass in his backyard that has been nothing but a giant mudfield and would attract mosquito's.

While they were cutting down the trees one of the giant pieces fell on top of his brand new roofing job and not ten minutes later they dropped one on my fence. I had to laugh, this was the same fence that was destroyed last July during the micro-burst. I was sitting in the house laughing as I had just gone out and asked the guy running the crew if they had insurance since they were actually on my side of the fence cutting down his tree. The foreman sounded offended but after they busted the garage and fence he was laughing his butt off.

He told me he would be back this morning to fix the fence and remove the tree pieces from the yard but I was skeptical. It was a nice surprise to come down stairs at a bout 8am and they were out there fixing the fence and cleaning the yard. Very cool I thought. I am not normally that skeptical but after all the problems and scams that were pulled in my neighborhood after last July's storm you have to really be careful of who is working in your area.

The neighbor and I had a good conversation as well. He knows that my back is messed up and offered to give me a hand getting some of the other stuff loaded in to the pickup truck and down to the brush yard the city runs. Very cool, not like the last neighbor who never came out, had tinfoil over the windows and played the drums at 3am. Now we are back to a normal Midwestern neighborhood where the neighbors all know each other and are cool. Not quite the Ozzie & Harriet of some places, which is fine, but close enough that you know when you are out someone is watching the area.

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