
5 terrorists killed by fed up Iraqi's

News like this is always good to hear. The people of Iraq are slowly but surely starting to stand up for themselves and show the terrorists that they are tired of their crap.

At least five insurgents killed in Mosul as US soldiers search west side
AFP: 1/20/2005

MOSUL, Iraq, Jan 20 (AFP) - At least five insurgents were killed in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul Thursday as hundreds of US soldiers fanned out to search homes and suspected rebel hideouts.

At least five insurgents were shot near the Yarmuk roundabout, an attack-prone area, when they started firing at an Iraqi army pickup truck that was parked on a side street, said Lieutenant Colonel Michael Kurilla of the 1st Battalion, 24th infantry regiment without providing further details.

At the same time about 700 US soldiers accompanied by Iraqi forces swept through several neighbourhoods on the west side.

US soldiers searched homes and interrogated residents, witnessed an AFP reporter.

Many residents were upset the searches were taking place on the first day of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha.

"This is no Eid, it is more like a funeral now," said bitterly Mohammed Yunis, 20, a high school student, as he stood outside his home in Nahrawan with his mother and friends.

Many residents lamented the absence of a holiday spirit amid a tense security situation and the scarcity of heating fuel.

Iraqi soldiers entered two mosques finding a 14.5 millimeter and ammunition and "pamphlets calling for jihad (holy war)," according to Kurilla.

US soldiers have stepped up patrols and raids against suspected insurgent hideouts in recent days in what commanders say is an effort to demonstrate that US and Iraqi forces are in control of the city and to encourage residents to take part in elections on January 30.

Most in this predominantly Sunni Muslim city of about 1.5 million say they will not vote, either out of fear that insurgents will mount attacks on polling day or because they know very little about the whole election process and candidates.

Mosul along with the western Al-Anbar province are among the areas least prepared to hold elections.

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