
Here's your sign...

How come people think that snow will not effect their ability to drive? While we did not get as much snow as they predicted, in fact we got about 1/2 of what they said we would, this morning the roads are all backed up thanks to the idiots who still want to drive 90, on the ice. It's almost like they forgot how to drive since the last time they wrecked their car in the snow. I can hear Bill Engvall right now, "Here's your sign."

I still had a slight temp when I went to bed last night and while I was laying down, out of the blue I started to sweat like I had just run a marathon. Shortly after the sweating started my back started burning and then my leg joined in. I tried to adjust my position hoping to relieve the symptoms but nothing worked. While my back and legs were burning my left foot felt like it was ice cold and being jabbed with a knitting needle. I took some darvocet hoping it would help me get some sleep but who was I trying to kid. I don't know how or when exactly I feel asleep but it was much welcomed.

My wife is off today so I thought she and I might hit the tea shop and find some more tea's. I am out of the Scottish Breakfast as well as the PG tips I bought last time I was there. My wife also thinks it is time for a new tea pot. It appears the one we have now likes to spit water rather then whistle and when you pour from it the water tends to splash whether it is full or only has enough for one cup in it. We will see what they have but I am thinking they are going to be rather expensive in a specialty shop and we could find one cheaper at someplace like Bed, Bath & Beyond.

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