
My left foot...

No, not the movie.

My left leg is totally numb right now and my foot is freezing cold. I tried to put some heavier socks on but that only made it seem worse. While the foot stayed cold I started getting warmer. I have also had quite a bit more numbness and pain on the right side over the last week. It is kind of freaky at times since I believe that these are similar symptoms as you would find in a diabetes patient. While it does run on my mothers side of the family I have been checked for it several times and I have always been good to go.

Interesting though is that this is a side effect of the arachnoiditis. According to this site it is an autonomic function as well as the excessive sweating that I wrote about a bit back. Here is a patients story where they also describe having some similar symptoms to mine.

I think if there was some way to at least keep them from getting so cold they hurt I would not mind but as I said above if I try to warm them up it makes me hot. I also have experienced the "hot flashes" that seem to be one of the autonomic symptoms. Out of the blue I will get hot, not a sweaty hot but like desert summer hot. It will last for anywhere from a few minutes or half a day and like the cold feet there does not seem to be much I can do to combat the symptoms.

Since it is autonomic I wonder what an anti-seizure med would do for it. I will not take neurontin again but there has to be a few others out there that might offer some hope.

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